Qinyu Yang

Hi 👋. I am currently a master student at Dalian University of Technology, supervised by Prof. Zhixun Su.

My main research focus is text-to-image/video generation. I am also working at other Diffusion-related research.

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Some of the papers in which I was a core participant are highlighted.

Noise Calibration: Plug-and-play Content-Preserving Video Enhancement using Pre-trained Video Diffusion Models
Qinyu Yang, Haoxin Chen, Yong Zhang, Menghan Xia, Xiaodong Cun, Zhixun Su, Ying Shan
ECCV, 2024  
Project page / arXiv / Github

Plug-and-play video enhancement model based on pre-trained diffusion model.

Measurement Guidance in Diffusion Models: Insight from Medical Image Synthesis
Yimin Luo*,   Qinyu Yang*, Yuheng Fan,   Haikun Qi,   Menghan Xia,  
TPAMI, 2024

We introduce uncertainty into the sampling process of the Diffusion Model and expand the Classifier-guided Method to generate samples that are more suitable for data augmentation in classification tasks.

Target-Guided Diffusion Models for Unpaired Cross-Modality Medical Image Translation
Yimin Luo,   Qinyu Yang, Ziyi Liu,   Zenglin Shi,   Weimin Huang,   Guoyan Zheng,   Jun Cheng,  
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IF:6.7), 2024

Diffusion Model for Image Translation. We propose a target-guided diffusion model for unpaired cross-modal medical image translation.

Learning A Coarse-to-Fine Diffusion Transformer for Image Restoration
Liyan Wang,   Qinyu Yang, Cong Wang,   Wei Wang,   Zhixun Su,  
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2024
arXiv / Github

Diffusion Model for Image Restoration. We refer to DIT and Restormer to come up with a network architecture for image restoration and design a training process for image restoration.

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